Teams Drive is a Cloud Drive Mapper feature that allows all of a user's MS Teams document libraries to be mapped into a single drive letter. What makes this feature so powerful is its simplicity and ease of implementation. An admin only needs to set the Teams Drive to a drive letter and give it a name, and the rest of the work happens dynamically by Cloud Drive Mapper. 

Please note that the below video mentions adding a registry key named EnableAdvanceMode. This is not required on versions 2.9 and above of CDM.

When a user first logs in to their machine/VDI, CDM sends a request to Office 365 to get the list of Teams the user is a member of. It then maps all of them (from 1 Team to >1000 Teams) inside the Teams Drive. The admin doesn't need to keep track of which users are members of which Team. That would be far too much administrative overhead, so CDM takes care of that for you.

How to set-up your Teams Drive:

  1. Go to the drive mapping group you want to add the drive for (you may only have one), and click edit
  2. Click 'Add a drive' 
  3. On the 'OneDrive or SharePoint library' dropdown, select 'Other SharePoint library'
  4. Type in the URL as follows:[teamsites]  (replacing 'example' with your SharePoint domain)
  5. Give the Team Drive a name, e.g. Teams, and a drive letter e.g. T
  6. Click save
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 if you want to add the Teams Drive to other groups.

That's it! Now you can access all your Teams document library data through Windows Explorer and create desktop shortcuts to your favourite documents etc. 

Note - The first time that a converge drive is used, CDM may take longer to complete the mapping process. This is because it needs to query each site in SharePoint that a user has access to. Depending on the total amount of sites in the 365 tenant, this first query may take a few minutes to complete. Once this is done a list of available sites will be saved in the users local app data folder. 

The next login to CDM will take the list of sites from here, so it will map at the regular speed. If you have added users to a new site and want that to show in the converge drives, then right click CDM in the system tray and click refresh settings. This will redo the scan as above and then show the site in the drive once its completed. 

If you need any help with this please contact [email protected] and we'll be glad to advise.