This article relates to our product Cloud Drive Mapper.

*** Important - update as of 22/03/23 - V2.15 has WebView2 enabled by default. MasterSettings 4 has been deprecated in this version. If you're updating from a previous version then 4 can be removed from your existing MasterSettings registry key, or if its set to = 4, then the key can be removed. Further details can be found here. *** 

Cloud Drive Mapper is quite simple on the surface, but beneath the basic shell are quite a few custom capabilities that you can enable via registry keys. Registry keys can be used to enable and optimise compatibility of Cloud Drive Mapper within an IT environment (see separate article for these) or activate useful features and customisations (see below). 

All keys are Reg_SZ and should be place in one of the following locations dependent on the key

  • HKCU\Software\IAM Cloud\CloudDriveMapper
  • HKLM\Software\IAM Cloud\CloudDriveMapper



From 2.9 onwards MasterSettings has been updated to consolidate the configuration of advanced features and troubleshooting features into a single setting.

For example to enable WebView2, the reg key would look like:

For it to take affect just exit and reload CDM. 

MasterSettings is a bitmask, so the value can be computed by adding together the values from all the settings you want to be enabled. So for example, if you wished to enable verbose logging to local app data (32) and run CDM in a VDI environment under multiple instances (256) you would set MasterSettings = 288

The most commonly used combination is 36, 32 for the logs and 4 to enable WebView2. 

By default from version 2.9.1 and above, Cloud Drive Mapper will use the Advanced Mode AAD Enterprise App as standard. For customers who had previously used the 'Standard mode' use this setting
If experiencing auth issues use this to troubleshoot. Used for legacy authentication.
Turns on WebView2 component, default is WebControl. There are no specific differences in terms of features between WebControl and WebView2, however in some environments if there are issues with SSO not working or drives not mapping then WebView2 maybe needed as it's the more modern framework. If WebControl works ok then there's no immediate need to use WebView2, but WebControl is a legacy authentication method and thus Microsoft may make changes to authentication in the future which WebControl does not properly support, whereas WebView2 is the current technology so will support Microsoft changes
Ensures Windows Integrated Authentication is not used.
Will not try SSO. The browser window that shows will be interactive.
Enables Cloud Drive Mapper logging to text files created in %localappdata%/IAM Cloud/Cloud Drive Mapper
Prevents users from being able to exit the CDM application
Writes logs to the Windows Event Log
Required for VDI / VAI environments (Citrix, RDSH, VMWare)
Do not enforce the drive label.
Stops CDM saving credentials in Windows Credential Manager.
In some environments we've found that previously cached authentication data can interfere with the successful operation of CDM. Enabling this setting forces CDM to remove all pre-existing authentication cache before it launches.
In some environments we've found that previously cached drive and settings data can interfere with the successful operation of CDM. Enabling this setting forces CDM to remove all pre-existing drive and settings cache before it launches.
Removes the cached directory structure for converged on CDM exit. Not set on default for performance purposes.
Cloud Drive Mapper is translated into several languages and will auto-detect the default language set on the machine. If a language is set to a language we don't support it will default to English. However, enabling this feature will allow users to be able to over-ride the automatic language options and select their preferred language from a list of our supported languages. When this feature is enabled, it will appear as a menu item when right-clicking on the CDM system tray icon.
Stops CDM from logging in with the account associated with Azure AD. A user might want to use an Azure AD tenant not associated with your organisation Azure AD in specific circumstances.
By default CDM's logs do not contain any sensitive information, however for challenging authentication related issues it may be necessary to see detailed information for the users authentication session tokens. This option should be used sparingly and with care.
Do not unmap drives or undo folder redirection on exit.
Prevents CDM using cdmsettings in OneDrive.
Will not display logging options when using Ctrl + Right Click
Used for authentication issue diagnosis.
2097152DisableModernSharingRemoves the default Windows 'Share' menu item from the right-click file menu. See further information.
4194304HideLicenceKeyHides the licence key from being visible on the 'About' screen of the Cloud Drive Mapper client.
8388608RevertToWebControlReverts authentication method to WebControl


NB: In versions 2.8.x and below this feature was called MasterSettings, but from 2.9 onwards MasterSettings has been repurposed and the settings that used to exist there have now been moved to this dedicated key ListConvergeSettings.

ListConvergeSettings is a bitmask. The value can be computed by adding together the values from all the settings you want to be enabled. So for example, if you wanted to remove modern sites (unified groups) from SharePoint Converged drive and remove the custom SP icons (in favour of folder icons) then you would use 1+16. E.g. ListConvergeSettings = 17

1SPConverge-> OnlyShowSitesWithMembershipWill remove modern sites (unified group) where you are not a member (such as public)
2FullConverge -> ShowOnlyTeamsThis allows Teams to work in the traditional SP doc-lib model rather than using Teams channels. Use in conjunction with 4 (i.e. 2+4=6) to use the Teams icons within the drive to recreate the previous ‘TeamstoDocLib’ registry setting.
4FullConverge -> ShowServiceIconsUses SharePoint icons for SharePoint site and Teams icon for Teams. Cannot be used with 8
8FullConverge -> NoIconsUses normal Windows folder icons for Teams and SharePoint sites. Cannot be used with 4
16SPConverge-> NoIconsUses folder icons within a SP converged drive.
32TeamsConverge -> NoIconsUses folder icons within a Teams converged drive.
64FullConverge -> OnlyShowSitesWithMembershipWill remove modern sites (unified group) where you are not a member (such as public)
128FullConverge -> OnlyShowSiteWithGroupsWill only show spsites that have groups (modern sites)
256SPConverge-> OnlyShowSiteWithGroupsWill only show spsites that have groups (modern sites)
512OneDrive -> NoIconsUses folder icon instead of the IAM Cloud icon within the CreateToFolder setting
1024TeamsConverge -> Show Archived TeamsArchived Teams are automatically hidden - enabling this feature will show them in your Teams converge drive
2048FullConverge -> Show Archived TeamsArchived Teams are automatically hidden - enabling this feature will show them in your Full Converge drives
4096FullConverge -> Show SPO Communication sites without membershipBy default converge drives only map SPO sites that a user has been explicitly granted membership/permission for. This means 'communication' SPO sites are normally excluded. Enabling this key means they will be included in your FullConverge drive
8192SPConverge -> Show SPO Communication sites without membershipBy default converge drives only map SPO sites that a user has been explicitly granted membership/permission for. This means 'communication' SPO sites are normally excluded. Enabling this key means they will be included in your SPConverge drive


By default all notifications are enabled, however you can optionally remove different notification types

  • LicenceKey = 2,
  • Error = 4,
  • Information = 8,
  • Authentication = 16,
  • LicenceKeyNotPresent = 32

Feature-specific registry settings