This article relates to our product Simple Sign-On

TouchPoint is a Simple Sign-On feature that enables you to add a message to the login GUI.

From the IAM Cloud Portal go to Features > Touchpoint

After clicking 'Create New Post' on the TouchPoint screen you will be presented with a panel where you can enter a message (A Touchpoint) with a title. You can embed anything into the message, including videos. There are options for when you wish the message to be visible, both dates and times (leaving both times set to 00:00 will display the message at all times) and a setting to allow users to dismiss the message once they have seen it. You can also set messages to appear based on user classification or for pre and post authentication. 

When the end date / time is reached the message will automatically stop displaying, though will still be available in the Admin Portal for you to view and re-enable should you wish.

For any questions or help setting up a Touchpoint please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]