This article relates to our product Cloud Drive Mapper.
If you're already familiar with Cloud Drive Mapper, you'll know that much of the configuration can be done using Registry settings.
However editing/updating local registry can in some cases be difficult to orchestrate. From version 2.9 upwards of Cloud Drive Mapper we have moved to a new installer that supports the inclusion of custom parameters in the MSI. These mostly mirror the same settings that can be modified via registry. You can still edit through registry if you prefer, but this new capability now gives you a choice.
Please note that the custom MSI parameters will add the settings to the HKLM. Cloud Drive Mapper can read from either the HKLM or HKCU and will preference the HKCU. This means that you could in theory do a full deployment using the custom MSI parameters, which applies to the HKLM, and then you could subsequently apply a custom policy to the HKCU which will act as an override for the users who receive the policy.
List of custom parameters
Please note while registry information is not case sensitive, the MSI parameters need to be ALL CAPS. Please also take note of the property types
Parameter name | Type | Details |
MASTERSETTINGS | integer | Detailed in Cloud Drive Mapper - Registry Settings |
CUSTOMDRIVESETTINGS | integer | Detailed in Allow your users to set-up their own SharePoint & Teams drives |
LISTCONVERGESETTINGS | integer | Detailed in Cloud Drive Mapper - Registry Settings |
WRITELOGTOFILE | string | Detailed in How to obtain Cloud Driver Mapper error logs for troubleshooting |
DRIVEMAPPING | string | This key is used when using SiteLicence and is a base64 encoded set of drives that Cloud Drive Mapper uses. Speak to support for more details. |
BASECACHEPATH | string | By default this goes to %localappdata%\IAM Cloud and under this path all folders and files needed for normal operational. You can change this to another location, it should be a path to a folder. |
AZUREENVIRONMENT | integer | Detailed in Legacy article (2.8.x and under only) - CDM Registry Settings |
AZUREAPPID | string | Not recommended however it is used to allow you to create your own AzureAD application and Cloud Drive Mapper will use that rather than our official and verified ones. |
SPOVANITYURL | string | For customers who have a SharePoint environment with a url other than * E.G instead of |
ADATTRIBUTE | string | Detailed in Cloud Drive Mapper and Single Sign-On (SSO) |
USERAGENTOVERRIDE | string | Allows you to override the user agent string presented during graph and authentication requests. |
DISABLENOTIFICATIONS | integer | Detailed in Cloud Drive Mapper - Registry Settings |
MANAGEDRIVEBLOCKDRIVELIST | string | This key is used when using managed drive and allows you to specify in a comma delimited string drives the user is not allowed to choose. |
SYNCCLIENTDETECTIONOVERRIDE | integer | Detailed in Sync Client Detection Override - this currently isn't working |
NOWEBVIEW | true | This allows you to not install the WebView2 components. This is used if you want to reduce the disk consumption of CDM and you do not want to use the edge based browser. It will fall back to IE11 Web Component. |
LICENCEKEY | string | You IAM Cloud provided CDM licence key. |
FOLDERREDIRECTIONSETTINGS | integer | Detailed in Simple Folder Redirection using FolderRedirectionSettings |
INSTALLCDMFILEWATCHER | TRUE | Detailed in CDM FileWatcher - How to auto-refresh your drive contents |
AI_DESKTOP_SH | integer | Disables the desktop shortcut with the value = 0 |
AI_STARTMENU_SH | integer | Disables the start menu shortcut with the value = 0 |
AI_STARTUP_SH | integer | Disables the start up shortcut with the value = 0 |
LAUNCHCDM | integer | This will silently launch CDM after installation has been completed with the value = 1 |
Common msiexec parameters
full UI: /qf (this is the default parameter used by the package)
msiexec /i "C:\Users\person\Downloads\setupcdmx64.msi" /qf
reduced UI: /qr (the user interface does not show any wizard dialogs)
msiexec /i "C:\Users\person\Downloads\setupcdmx64.msi" /qr
basic UI: /qb, /passive (only a progress bar will be shown during the installation)
msiexec /i "C:\Users\person\Downloads\setupcdmx64.msi" /qb
no UI: /qn, /quiet (no UI will be showed during the installation)
msiexec /i "C:\Users\person\Downloads\setupcdmx64.msi" /qn
Sample msiexec parameters for CDM
Here is an example of using msiexec parameters to configure CDM.
You want CDM to write to the Windows Event log, and to allow a user to change their language. In MASTERSETTINGS these are the options 128 WriteLogToEventLog and 16384 AllowUsersLanguageSelection. To set MASTERSETTINGS bitmask this number is the 2 options added together. So the setting is 16512.
The installer command for this will be
msiexec /i "C:\user\downloads\setupcdmx64.msi" /qn MASTERSETTINGS=16512
Additionally if you want to specify your licence key as well as setting the parameters above you can simply add the LICENCEKEY parameter to the installer command
msiexec /i "C:\user\downloads\setupcdmx64.msi" /qn MASTERSETTINGS=16512 LICENCEKEY=insert_licence_key_here
If you need any help with this please contact [email protected] and we'll be glad to advise.