This article relates to our product Cloud Drive Mapper.

You might notice that when saving files to drives from a 3rd party application while you have File Explorer open, the file doesn't immediately appear and you have to hit right-click 'refresh' to see the file.

This is related to the drives current use of webdav and will not exist with our next generation V3 client. However for now if you wish to solve this problem, we've built a file watcher service that will automatically quietly refresh File Explorer whenever you make changes to our drives which means they'll automatically show any new files or file changes with the File Explorer window open.

To enable this feature via manual install make sure this box is ticked during the install wizard (it is unticked by default).

This can be auto installed with msiexec /i "C:\CDM\setupcdmx64.msi" /qn INSTALLCDMFILEWATCHER=TRUE

Please note all MSI parameters are case sensitive and need to be ALL CAPS. Please see further information on CDM's MSI parameters.